EndMark Procurement
Our suppliers are carefully monitored by our procurement team to ensure that products received are of the highest quality. We endeavour to ensure that our supplier’s products conform to the highest standards certified by the standards association of Zimbabwe. We also import some of our products from the region and in the Far East to lower the cost of delivering any product or project we endeavour in, but still achieving good quality.

With vast experience in the sourcing of equipment and materials to meet the needs of all our clients, Endmark is your partner of choice for any demanding environment looking for predictable sourcing support. We can execute direct and “for-and-behalf-of” procurement for any client and location. Items procured vary from specialized technical equipment to raw materials.


Unit 1, 329 Affirmative way, Willowvale, Harare Zimbabwe

+263735550624; +263782624049, +263774251048

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